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Female Names, their origin and meaning
Aaliyah, Aliya, Aliyah Hebrew/Arabic To ascend up,
highly exalted
Abigail Hebrew Source of Joy
Ada Teutonic Prosperous, Happy
Adah Hebrew Beauty
Adalia Teutonic Noble
Adelaide Teutonic Noble, Of Good Cheer
Adine Hebrew Delicate
Adria, Adrienne **** Feminine of Adrian
Agatha Greek The Good
Agnes Greek Pure, Gentle
Aileen Greek Light
Ailsa Teutonic Noble, Of Good Cheer
Aimee French Beloved
Airlia Greek Ethereal
Alanna Celtic Fair
Alarice Teutonic Ruler of All
Alberta Teutonic Noble, Brilliant
Alda Teutonic Rich
Aldora Greek Winged Gift
Alethea Greek Truth, Sincerity
Aleta Latin Bird-Like
Alexandra Greek Helper of Mankind
Alfreda Teutonic Supernaturally Wise
Alice Teutonic Noble, Of Good Cheer
Alisa **** Variant of Alice
Alina Celtic Fair
Alison Teutonic Of Sacred Fame
Alita Greek Beautifully Dressed
Allegra Old French Cheerful
Alma Latin Nourishing
Almeta Latin Ambitious
Almira Arabic Princess
Aloysia Teutonic Famous in War
Althea Greek Wholesome, Healing
Alva Spanish-Latin Fair
Alvina Teutonic Beloved by All
Alvita Latin Vivacious
Alysia Greek Captivating
Alyssa Teutonic Noble, Of Good Cheer
Amabelle Latin Loveable
Amanda Latin Loveable
Amara Greek Unfading
Amaryllis Greek Fresh, Sparkling
Amber Arabic Jewel
Ambrosine Greek Immortal
Amity Latin The Friendly
Amorette Latin Little Love
Amorita Latin Beloved
Anastasia Greek One who shall rise again
Andrea **** Feminine of Andrew
Andromeda Greek From Mythology
Angela Greek Angelic
Angelica **** Italian form of Angela
Anitra Hebrew/Spanish Grace
Anita Hebrew Grace
Ann, Anne Hebrew Grace, Mercy
Annabelle Celtic Joy
Annette **** Variant of Anne
Anthea Greek Flower-Like
Antoinette Latin Beyond Praise
Antonia Latin Beyond Praise
April English To Open Up
Ara Teutonic Eagle Maid
Ardelis Latin Industrious
Ardelle, Ardella Latin Industrious
Ardis Latin Eager
Aretina Greek Virtuous
Ariana Welsh Silvery
Ariella Hebrew Lion of God
Arilda Teutonic Hearth, Home
Arleen Celtic A Pledge
Armilla Latin A Bracelet
Ashley English From the Ash Tree
Aspasia Greek The Welcome
Astra Greek Starlike
Astrid Teutonic Impulsive in Love
Athalia Hebrew The Lord is Mighty
Athena Greek Wisdom
Audrey Teutonic Strong
Augusta Latin The Exalted, Sacred
Aurelia Latin Golden
Austine Latin The Exalted
Avis Latin A Bird
Azalea Hebrew Spared by Jehovah
Bailey French Public Servant
Bambi Italian Child
Barbra, Bobbie Greek Strange
Bathsheba Hebrew A Pledge
Battista Greek The Baptizer
Beata Latin Blessed
Beatrice, Beatrix Latin She Who Blesses
Becky Hebrew The Ensnarer
Belinda Latin Pretty
Belle, Bella French Beautiful
Benetta Latin The Blessed
Benita Latin The Blessed
Berdine Teutonic Bright Maiden
Bernadette **** Feminine for Bernard
Bernice Greek Bringer of Victory
Bertha, Berta Teutonic Bright or Glorious
Bertina Teutonic Bright, Shining
Beryl **** A Jewel
Bess Hebrew Consecrated to God
Beth, Bethany Hebrew Worshiper of God
Bethesda Hebrew House of Mercy
Bettina Hebrew Consecrated to God
Beulah Hebrew She who is to be married
Beverly Old English From a Beaver Meadow
Bianca Italian White
Blair Scottish Dweller of the Plain
Blanche Teutonic-Latin White or Fair
Blenda Teutonic Dazzling
Blythe Old English Free Spirit
Bo Chinese Precious
Bonnibel Latin Good & Beautiful
Bonnie Latin Fair, Lovely
Brandi Old English Burn Wine
Brenda Germanic Flame
Briana Irish Gaelic Strong
Bridget, Brit Irish Strong
Breezy Spanish From the Iliad
Brittany Latin From Britain
Brooke Old English The Brook
Brunhilde Teutonic Battle Maid
Caitlin Welsh Form of Catherine
Calista Greek Most Beautiful
Camille French Swiftness of Foot
Candace Greek Glowing
Cara Italian Darling
Carissa French Tender Touch
Carlin **** Short for Caroline
Carla Anglo Saxon Feminine of Charles
Carlotta Italian Form of Charlotte
Carly *** Form of Carol
Carmel Hebrew Woodland
Carmen Spanish Crimson or Red
Carrie, Caroline French Song of Joy
Cherise French Cherry
Catherine Greek Pure
Celeste Latin Heavenly
Chantal Latin Song
Charity Latin Affection
Charlene French Small Beauty
Chelsea Old English Harbor
Cheryl French Beloved
Chloe Greek Blooming
Christine Latin Christian Faith
Clarissa Latin Clear
Coral, Cora Greek Small Stone
Courtney French King's Attendent
Cynthia Greek Moon Goddess
Dakota Native American Friend
Damita Spanish Little Princess
Danica Slavic Morning Star
Danielle Hebrew Feminine of Daniel
Daphne Greek Laurel Tree
Daria Persian Queenly
Darlene Anglo Saxon Tenderly Beloved
Davida Hebrew Feminie of David
Devin Gaelic/CelticHebrew Poet
Devon English Defender
Dawn Anglo Saxon Breaking of Day
Deborah Hebrew The Bee
Deirdre Gaelic Sorrow
Delilah Hebrew Pining with Desire
Demetria Greek Goddess of Harvest
Denise French Form of Dennis
Desiree French Desired
Destiny Latin/French fate
Devin Gaelic Poet
Diana, Diane Roman Mythology Virgin Goddes of the Moon
Dinah Hebrew Judged, Vindicated
Dione Greek Mythology Mother of Aphrodite
Dominica Latin The Lord's
Dominique French Belonging to God
Donna Latin Lady or Mistress
Dora Greek A Gift
Dori French Golden-Haired
Doris Greek Of the Sea
Drucilla Greek Dewey Eyes
Dulcea Latin Sweetness
Durene Latin Everlasting
Ebony Greek Strength
Eda Anglo Saxon Wealthy
Eden Hebrew Paradise
Effie Greek Melodious Chatter
Echo Greek Return of Sound
Edana Celtic Fiery
Edeline Teutonic Noble, Good Cheer
Eden Hebrew Delightful
Edith Teutonic Rich Gift
Edlyn Anglo Saxon Noblewoman
Edna Hebrew Pleasure
Edolie Teutonic Noble, Good Cheer
Edwina Anglo Saxon Valuable Friend
Effie Greek Of Fair Fame
Eileen Greek Light
Elaine Greek Light
Elberta Teutonic Nobly Brilliant
Eldora Spanish Gilded
Eldoris Greek Of the Sea
Eleanor Greek Light
Elektra Greek Bright Light
Elena Greek Form of Helen
Elga Anglo Saxon Elfin Spear
Elise French Form of Elizabeth
Eliza Old French, Latin The Chosen
Elizabeth Hebrew God's Oath
Ella Anglo Saxon Elfin
Ellen Greek Light
Elma Greek Amiable
Eloise Teutonic Famous in Battle
Elsie Anglo Saxon Gaiety
Elvira Latin White, Fair
Emeline Teutonic Industrious
Emily Latin Ambitious
Emma Teutonic Ancestress
Erika Norse Powerful, Regal
Erline, Erlina Anglo Saxon The Elfin
Ernestine Teutonic Intent in Purpose
Esmeralda English Green Gemstone
Erin Irish Old Name of Ireland
Estelle Latin A Star
Estra Anglo Saxon Goddess of Spring
Ethel Teutonic Noble
Eudora Greek Delightful Gift
Eugenia Greek Well Born
Eunice Greek Happily Victorious
Euphemia Greek Of Fair Fame
Eva Hebrew Life
Evangelina Greek Angel
Evelyn, Eve Hebrew Life Giving
Faith Greek Faith and Devotion
Fannie Teutonic Free
Farica Teutonic Peaceful Ruler
Farrah, Fara Middle English Beautiful One
Fatima Arabic Daughter of the Prophet
Faustine Latin Fortunate
Fawn Latin A Baby Deer
Faye Old French Fairy
Fedora Greek Divine Gift
Felicia Latin Happy
Fern Old English From a Fern Plant
Fidelity Latin Faithfulness
Fifine, Fifi Hebrew He Shall Add
Fiona Celtic Pretty
Flavia Latin Blonde
Fleta Teutonic Swift
Fleur French-Latin Flower
Flora Latin Flower
Floria Latin Flowering
Frances Teutonic Free
Francesca Teutonic Free
Francine Teutonic Free
Freda, Frida Teutonic Peaceful
Frederica Teutonic Peaceful Ruler
Fulvia Latin Blonde
Gabrielle Hebrew God's Messenger
Gail Old English Greatness
Gale Old English Lively
Garda Teutonic Protected
Galiana German Supreme One
Gaye French-Teutonic Lighthearted
Gelsey Hindi God of Wisdom
Geneva Old French The Juniper
Genevieve French Humble
Georgette Greek Feminine of George
Georgia, Georgiana Greek Feminine of George
Geraldine Teutonic Mighty with a Spear
Germaine Teutonic Armed
Gertrude Teutonic Spear Maiden
Giacinta Italian Hyacinth
Gilda Celtic Servant of God
Gillian Latin Feminine of Julian
Gladys Latin Lame
Glenna Gaelic Woman from the Valley
Gloria Latin Glorious
Glynnis Welsh Beautiful and Holy
Grace Latin Blessing from God
Gredel Greek A Pearl
Gretchen German Little Pearl
Griselda Teutonic Stone Heroine
Guinevere Celtic White or Fair
Gwen Celtic White or Fair
Gwendolyn Celtic White-Browed
Gwynne Celtic White or Fair
Gypsy English Wanderer
Haley Norse Heroine
Hannah Hebrew Blessed by God
Harelda Teutonic Mighty in Battle
Harriet Teutonic Mistress of the Home
Harley Old English From the Long Field
Harmony Latin Harmony
Hattie Teutonic Mistress of the Home
Hazel Teutonic Commander
Heather English Flowering Heather
Helen, Helena Greek Light
Helga Teutonic Holy
Heloise Teutonic Famous in Battle
Henrietta Teutonic Mistress of the Home
Hera Greek Queen of the Gods
Hesper Greek Evening Star
Hester Persian A Star
Hetty Persian A Star
Hilda Teutonic War Maid
Holly Anglo Saxon The Holly Bush
Honey German Sweet as Honey
Hope Anglo Saxon Optimistic
Hortense Latin Gardener
Huberta Teutonic Bright Mind
Hypatia Greek Surpassing
Ianthe Greek Violet Colored Flower
Ida Teutonic Happy
Idaline, Idalina Teutonic Noble
Idelle Teutonic Happy
Idola Greek A Vision
Idona Teutonic Industrious Worker
Ignatia Latin Fiery
Ilana Hebrew Tree
Ilse German Short for Elizabeth
Imogene Latin Imagine
Ines Spanish Form of Agnes
Ingrid Old English Meadow
Irene Greek Peace
Iris Greek The Rainbow
Irma Latin Noble
Isabel Spanish Consecrated to God
Isadora Latin Gift of Isis
Italia Spanish Beautiful, Strong, Confident
Ivana, Ivy, Iva Hebrew God's Gift
Ivory Latin White as Ivory
Jacinda Greek Hyacinth Flower
Jacinta Greek Lovely
Jacqueline French Feminine of Jack
Jade Spanish Jewel
Jamie English Feminine of James
Jane Hebrew God's Gracious Gift
Janet Scottish Variant of Jane
Janice **** Variant of Jane
Jasmine Persian Flower
Jazlyn, Jazzy **** Variant of Jasmine
Jeanne French Form of Joan
Jeanelle **** Variant of Jean
Jemima Hebrew A Dove
Jennifer Celtic White Wave
Jessica, Jessie Hebrew Woman of Wealth
Jewel French Precious Gem
Jillian, Jill Latin Young Child
Joan Hebrew God's Gracious Gift
Jocelyn, Joyce Old English Just
Johanna Hebrew God's Gracious Gift
Josephine Hebrew He Shall Add
Joy Old French Delight
Juanita Spanish Form of Johanna
Judith, Judy Hebrew Praised
Juliana, Julia Latin Youthful
Julie **** Form of Julia
Juliet **** Form of Julia, Little
June Latin Youthful
Justine Latin Just
Kacey Irish Eagle-Eyed
Kali Greek Rosebud
Kalia Hawaiian Beauty
Kara Latin Dear One
Karen, Karena Greek Pure One
Kassia Greek Pure
Kate Greek Pure
Katherine, Kathy, Kathleen Greek Pure
Katrina **** Variant of Katherine
Kay Greek Rejoicing
Kayla **** Variant of Kay
Keely Celtic Beauty
Kelsey Irish Gaelic Warrior
Kendra Old English Wise
Kerri Irish Gaelic Dark-Haired
Kessie Ashanti, Ghana, West Africa Large at birth
Kirby Anglo Saxon Church Town
Kirstyn, Kirsten Scandinavian Annointed One
Kit **** Nickname for Katharine
Kyla, Kyle Scottish Gaelic Lovely
Lacey Russian Cheerful One
Lakeesha African American Variant of Leticia
Lane English Narrow Road
Lani Hawaiian Noble Woman
Lara Latin Famous One
Larina Latin Sea Gull
Larissa Greek Cheerful
Laura Latin The Laurel
Laurel, Loralie Latin From Laurel Garland
Lauren **** Variant of Laura
Laverna Old French Vernal or Springlike
Leah, Leigh Hebrew Weary
Leanne Anglo Saxon Combo of Lee & Anne
Lee, Lea Anglo Saxon Meadow
Leilani Polynesian Flower of Heaven
Lemuela Hebrew Dedicated to God
Lenita Latin Gentle
Leola **** Feminine of Leo
Leonie Latin The Lion
Leonora Greek Light
Leslie Celtic Gray Fortress
Leta Latin Joy
Leticia Latin Joy
Lexine Greek Helper of Mankind
Liana French-Latin A Bond
Lilah Greek The Lily
Lillian, Lil, Lily Greek A Lily
Lilybell Latin Fair Lily
Linda Latin Beautiful
Linette Celtic Graceful
Lindsay Old English From the Linden-tree Isle
Lisa, Liza Hebrew Consecrated to God
Lisabet Hebrew Consecrated to God
Lisette Hebrew Consecrated to God
Livia Latin The Olive
Lizzie Hebrew Consecrated to God
Lois **** Feminine of Louis
Lola Spanish Variant of Charlotte
Lolita **** Variant of Lola
Lorelei Teutonic Lengendary Siren
Lorena Latin The Laurel
Lorraine French A Place Name
Louisa, Louise Teutonic Famous in Battle
Lucia Latin Light
Luciana Latin Light
Lucille Latin Light
Lucinda, Lucy Latin Light
Lulu **** Variant of Louisa
Luna Latin Shining
Lynn Anglo Saxon A Cascade
Mabel Latin Amiable
Madeline Hebrew The Tower
Madge Greek A Pearl
Madison English Former Surname
Magdalene Hebrew A Tower
Maggie Greek A Pearl
Mahalia Hebrew Affection
Maia **** Star Name
Maisie Greek Precious
Malva Greek Soft
Manda Latin Loveable
Mandy Spanish Harmony
Mara Hebrew Sorrowful
Marcella Latin Warlike
Marcia **** Feminine of Marcus, Mark
Margaret Greek A Pearl
Margot French Variant of Margaret
Marguerite French Pearl
Maria Latin, Polish Form of Mary
Marian Old French Form of Mary
Maribel Hebrew-Latin Mary the Beautiful
Marie French Form of Mary
Marilyn **** Form of Mary
Marnia Latin Maid of the Sea
Marissa Latin Sea Born
Marta Aramean Lady or Mistress
Martha Aramean Lady or Mistress
Martina Latin Warlike
Marvela Latin Marvelous
Mary Latin (middle ages) Star of the Sea
Matilda Teutonic Mighty in Battle
Maude Teutonic Mighty in Battle
Maura Latin Dark
Maureen Latin The Dark
Mavis Celtic Song-Thrush
Maxine Latin The Greatest
Megan Greek Great
Melanie Greek Dark-Haired
Melinda Anglo Saxon Grateful
Melissa Greek Honey Bee
Melita Greek Honey Sweet
Melody Greek Of Song
Melvina Celtic Handmaiden
Mercy, Merci French-Latin Compassionate
Meris Latin Sea Born
Merle Latin Blackbird
Michelle French Feminine of Michael
Mildred Anglo Saxon Gentle
Millicent Teutonic Strength
Mimi Teutonic Strong Opponent
Minerva Greek Goddess of Wisdom
Mirabelle Latin-French Of Wondrous Beauty
Miranda Latin Admirable
Miriam Hebrew Rebellious
Misty Old English Covered in Mist
Moira Celtic The Great
Molly **** Variant of Mary
Mona Teutonic-Latin Solitary
Monica Latin Counselor
Mora Spanish Blueberry
Morgan Welsh Sea's Edge
Muriel Arabic Myrrh
Myra Latin Wonderful
Myrtle Greek The Myrtle
Nada Slavonic Hope
Nadia Slavic Hope
Nadine **** Form of Nada
Nan Hebrew Grace
Nancy Hebrew Grace
Naomi Hebrew Delightful
Narda Persian The Anointed
Natalie Latin Born at Christmas Time
Nathania Hebrew Gift of the Lord
Natica Latin Christmas Child
Neda Slavonic Sunday's Child
Nell Greek Light
Neoma Greek New Moon
Nerissa Greek Daughter of the Sea
Nerita Greek Of the Sea
Nessa, Nessia Greek Pure
Nevada Latin Snowy
Nicolette, Nicole Greek People's Victory
Nina Native American Mighty
Nisha Persian Radiant light
Nisreen arabic tree w tiny white flowers
Noelle French Born on Christmas
Nola Celtic Noble or Famous
Noleta Latin The Unwilling
Nona Latin The Ninth
Nora Latin Honor
Norine Latin Honor
Norma Latin Model or Pattern
Nova Native American Butterfly Chaser
Nydia Latin Refuge or Nest
Octavia Latin Eighth
Odelette French-Greek Little Song
Odelia Teutonic Wealthy
Odette Greek Melody
Olethea Latin Truth
Olga Teutonic Holy
Olivia, Olive Latin Symbol of Peace
Olympia Greek Home of the Gods
Opal Latin Gemstone
Ophelia Greek Serpent
Oprah Hebrew Fawn
Ora Latin Seacoast
Oralie Latin The Golden
Oriana Latin Golden One
Oribel Latin Golden Beauty
Oriel Old French-Latin The Golden
Orlantha Teutonic Fame of the Land
Orlena Latin The Golden
Orva Anglo Saxon Courageous Friend
Page Old English Attendant
Pamela Greek Sweet as Honey
Pandora Greek Gifted
Pansy Old French-Greek A Thought
Panthea Greek Of all the Gods
Patience Latin Virtuous
Patricia Latin Noble Woman
Patty **** Variant of Patricia
Paula, Paulette Latin Small
Pearl Latin The Pearl
Peggy, Peg Greek A Pearl
Penelope Greek Weaver
Persis Greek Woman from Persia
Petrina Greek A Rock
Philana Greek Lover of Mankind
Philippa Greek Feminine of Philip
Philomena Greek Nightingale
Phoebe Greek Goddess of the Moon
Phyllis Greek A Green Bough
Polly **** Variant of Molly
Primavera Latin Spring's Beginning
Primrose Latin First Rose
Priscilla Latin Dutiful
Prudence **** Prudent
Prunella Old French-Latin Plum or Prune Color
Qadira Arabic Powerful
Qamra Arabic Moon
Qitarah Arabic Fragrant
Quanika American Form of Nika
Quartilla Latin Fourth
Qubilah Arabic Agreeable
Queen English Queen
Queenie English Queen
Quenby Scandinavian Womanly
Quenna English Form of Queen
Querida Spanish Dear, Beloved
Questa French Searcher
Quinella Latin Form of Quintana
Quintana Latin The Fifth
Quintessa Latin Essence
Quiterie Latin, French Tranquil
Rachel Hebrew Female
Ramona Teutonic Wise Protectress
Randi **** Feminine of Randall
Rania Sanskrit Royal
Rae Scandinavian Female Deer
Raphaela Hebrew Divine Healer
Rashida African Righteous
Rayna ***** Princess
Rebecca, Reba Hebrew Faithful One
Regina Latin Queenly
Renata, Renee Latin Born Again
Renita Latin Self-Poised
Reseda Latin Healing
Rhea Greek Earth
Rhoda Greek A Rose
Rita Greek A Pearl
Riva French Riverbank
Roberta Teutonic Famous
Robin **** Feminine of Robert
Rochelle French Little Rock
Roderica Teutonic Princess
Romilda Teutonic Glorious Battle Maid
Rosa Latin A Rose
Rosabel Latin Beautiful Rose
Rosalba Latin White Rose
Rosalia Italian Melody
Rose, Rosalie Italian Rose
Rosalind Spanish, Latin Fair Rose
Rosanne Latin-Hebrew Rose of Grace
Rosemary Latin Dew of the Sea
Rowena Celtic White Mane
Roxanne Persian Dawn
Ruby Latin Red Jewel
Ruth Hebrew Friend to All
Sabra Hebrew Cactus Plant
Sabrina, Brina English Goddess of Severn River
Sacha Greek Helper of Mankind
Sachi Japanese Girl Child
Sadie Hebrew Princess
Salena Latin Salt
Sally Hebrew Princess
Salome Hebrew Asked of God
Samantha Hebrew Listener
Samara Hebrew Watch or Outlook
Samuela Hebrew Asked of God
Sandra Greek Helper of Mankind
Sapphire Hebrew Precious Gem
Sarah Hebrew True Princess
Sarita Variant of Sarah Little Princess
Scarlett English Red
Sela Hebrew A Rock
Selene, Selena Greek The Moon
Selima Hebrew Peaceful
Selma Arabic Secure
Septima Latin The Seventh
Seraphine, Serafina Hebrew Burning or Ardent
Serena Latin Serene
Shana Hebrew Beautiful
Shannon Gaelic Wise
Sharon Hebrew Plains
Shawn **** Feminine of John
Sheba Arabic Biblical Queen
Sheila Irish Divine Place
Sheri French Beloved
Shirley Old English From the White Meadow
Sibley Anglo Saxon Related or Family
Sibyl, Sybil Greek Wise or Prophetic
Sidra Latin Starlike
Silver Anglo Saxon White
Simona Hebrew Heard
Sirena Greek A Siren
Tabitha Aramaic Gazelle
Taine Gaelic River
Talia Greek Blooming
Tamara Hebrew Palm Tree
Tammy Hebrew Perfect
Tanya Russian Fairy Queen
Tara Gaelic Tower
Taryn Celtic beautiful sky
Tasha **** Short for Natasha
Tatum English Spirited
Templa Latin Temple or Sanctuary
Teresa, Teri Greek Harvester
Tertia Latin The Third
Tess Greek Harvester
Thadine Hebrew Praised
Thalia Greek Joy or Blooming
Thea Greek Divine
Thelma Greek Nursing
Theodora Greek Divine Gift
Theola Greek The Divine
Thirza Hebrew Delightful
Thomasina Hebrew The Twin
Thora Teutonic Thunder
Tia Spanish Aunt
Tiffany Greek Appearance of a God
Tilda Teutonic Maid of Battles
Timothea Greek Honoring God
Tina Latin Little One
Toinette Latin Beyond Praise
Tonia Latin Beyond Praise
Tracy Gaelic Fighter
Tressa Greek Harvester
Trina Greek Pure
Trista Latin The Sorrowful
Trixie, Trix Latin She Who Blesses
Tuesday English Day of the Week
Tyne Old English River
U Korean Gentle
Udele Anglo Saxon Rich or Prosperous
Ula Celtic Jewel of the Sea
Ulani Hawaiian Cheerful
Ulima Arabic Astute, Wise
Ulrica Teutonic Ruler of All
Ultima Latin Last, Endmost
Ululani Hawaiian Heavenly Inspiration
Ulva German Wolf
Uma Hindi Mother
Umay Turkish Hopeful
Umeko Japanese Patient
Una Latin One, United
Undine Latin Of the Waves
Unity English Unity
Unn Norwegian She who is loved
Unna German Woman
Urania Greek Heavenly
Urbana Latin City Dweller
Urit Hebrew Bright
Ursa Greek Form of Ursula
Ursula Greek Little Bear
Usha Hindi Sunrise
Ushi Chinese Ox
Uta German Rich
Valda Teutonic Spirited in Battle
Valeda Latin Strong or Healthy
Valencia Latin Strong, Vigorous
Valentina Latin Strong or Valiant
Valerie Latin Healthy
Valora Latin Brave
Vanessa Greek Butterfly
Vania Hebrew God's Gracious Gift
Vara Greek The Stranger
Vashti Persian Beautiful
Veda Sanskrit Knowledge, Understanding
Vedette Old French Watch Tower
Veleda Teutonic Of Inspired Wisdom
Venitia Italian Mercy
Vera Latin The True
Verda Latin Springlike
Veronica Hebrew True Face
Victoria English Victorious
Vidette Hebrew The Beloved
Violet English Flower
Virginia Latin Maiden
Vita Latin Vital or Animated
Vivian Anglo Saxon Life
Voletta Old French The Veiled
Wanda Slavic Vandal
Wenda Teutonic Wanderer
Wendy **** From Peter Pan
Wenona American Indian First Born Daughter
Whitney Old English Island
Wilda Anglo Saxon Forest Dweller
Wilhelmina Teutonic Resolute Protector
Willa Anglo Saxon The Desired
Willette Teutonic Resolute Protector
Willow English Symbol of Healing
Wilona Old English Desired
Winifred Teutonic Friend of Peace
Winona Native American First Born
Wynne Celtic Light Complexioned
Xandra Greek Form of Zandra
Xanthe Greek Yellow-Haired
Xaviera Arabic Brilliant
Xena Greek Guest
Xenia Greek Hospitable
Xiang Chinese Fragrant
Xiomara Teutonic Glorious Forest
Xiu Mei Chinese Beautiful Plum
Xuan Vietnamese Spring
Xuxa Portuguese Form of Susanna
Xylia Greek Of the Woods
Xylina Greek Of the Woods
Yachne Hebrew Hospitable
Yadira Hebrew Friend
Yaffa Hebrew Beautiful
Yakira Hebrew Precious
Yalena Greek, Russian Form of Helen
Yaletha American Form of Oletha
Yamka Hopi Blossom
Yanaba Navajo Brave
Yang Chinese Sun
Yarkona Hebrew Green
Yasmine, Yasmin Persian Flower
Yei Japanese Flourishing
Yoko Japanese Determined
Yolanda Greek Violet Flower
Yvette French God is Merciful
Yvonne French Young Archer
Zabrina American Form of Sabrina
Zada Arabic Fortunate
Zafina Arabic Victorious
Zafirah Arabic Successful
Zahar Hebrew Daybreak
Zahavah Hebrew Golden
Zahra Swahili Flower
Zakia Swahili Smart
Zalika Swahili Born to Royalty
Zaltana Native American High Mountain
Zandra Greek Helper of Mankind
Zaneta Hebrew God's Gracious Gift
Zanthe Greek Form of Xanthe
Zara Arabic Glorious Dawn
Zarifa Arabic Successful
Zasha Russian Form of Sasha
Zawati Swahili Gift
Zayit Hebrew Olive
Zaynah Arabic Great
Zea Latin Grain
Zelda German Variant of Griselda
Zelene English Sunshine
Zelia Spanish Sunshine
Zelma German Form of Selma
Zemirah Hebrew Song of Joy
Zenda Persian Sacred
Zenia Greek Hospitable
Zenobia Greek Zeus-Born
Zera Hebrew Seeds
Zerdali Turkish Wild Apricot
Zerlina Latin, Spanish Beautiful Dawn
Zerrin Turkish Golden
Zetta Portuguese Rose
Zhen Chinese Chaste
Zia Latin Grain
Zigana Hungarian Gypsy Girl
Zilla Hebrew Shadow
Zilya Russian Form of Theresa
Zimra Hebrew Song of Praise
Zinnia German Flower
Zita Spanish Little Rose
Ziva Hebrew Bright, Radiant
Zoe Greek Life Giving
Male Names, their origin and meaning
Aaron Hebrew Enlightened
Abbott Hebrew Father
Abdul Arabic Servant of
Abel Hebrew Breath
Abner Hebrew Father of Light
Abraham Hebrew Exalted Father
Abram Hebrew Exalted Father
Adal Teutonic Noble
Adam Hebrew Man of Earth
Addison Old English Son of Adam
Adlai Hebrew Witness
Adley Hebrew The Just
Adolf Teutonic Noble Wolf
Aiden Gaelic Fire
Aiken Anglo Saxon The Oaken
Ajax Greek Eagle
Akira Japanese Distinct
Alan Celtic Handsome One
Alastair Gaelic Defender of Men
Albern Teutonic Of Noble Valor
Albert Teutonic Bright
Albion Latin White or Fair
Alden Old English Wise Guardian
Aldis Old English From the Old House
Aldrich Old English Old Wise Leader
Alexander Greek Great Protector
Alfred Teutonic Supernaturally Wise
Algernon Old French Bearded
Ali Muslim Excellent Noble
Aloysius Teutonic Famous in War
Alroy Latin Royal
Alston Old English From the Elf's Abode
Alton Old English From the Old Town
Alvin Teutonic Beloved by All
Ambrose Greek Immortal
Amery Teutonic Industrious
Amos Hebrew A Burden
Andrew Greek Manly
Angell Greek Messenger
Angelo Greek Saintly
Angus Celtic Very Strong
Ansel Teutonic Divine Helmet
Anthony Latin Priceless
Apollo Greek Manly Beauty
Aramis French ****
Archer Latin Bowman
Archibald Teutonic Sacred Prince
Ardon Hebrew Bronzed
Arlen Gaelic Pledge
Armand German Warrior
Arnold Germanic Strong as an Eagle
Arthur Celtic Noble
Arvel Welsh Wept Over
Asher Hebrew Happy
Atwater Old English From the Waterside
Atwood Old English Forest Dweller
Aubrey Teutonic Ruler of the Elves
August Latin Exalted
Austin Latin Helpful
Avery Old English Elfin Ruler
Axel Hebrew Man of Peace
Bailey French Bailiff
Baird Celtic Bard or Minstrel
Baldwin Teutonic Princely Friend
Barclay Old English Meadow of Birch Trees
Barnabas, Barnaby Hebrew Son of Prophecy
Baron Old English Nobleman
Barrett Teutonic Bear-Like
Barry Celtic Marksman
Bartholomew Aramaic Warlike
Basil Greek Kingly
Baxter Old English Baker
Bayard Teutonic With Red-Brown Hair
Belden Teutonic From the Fair Valley
Benedict Latin Blessed
Benjamin Hebrew Son of Right Hand
Benton Old English Moor Dweller
Bernard Germanic Stern Bear
Bert Teutonic Bright
Berton Teutonic Glorious Raven
Berwin Teutonic Warrior Friend
Bevis Teutonic Bowman
Blaine Celtic Lean or Thin
Blair Gaelic Man of Flatlands
Blake Old English Fair Complexioned
Blandon Latin Gentle
Bond Teutonic Farmer
Booth Teutonic From the Booth
Boris Slavonic Warrior
Bowen Celtic Son of Owen
Bowie Gaelic Yellow Haired One
Boyce Teutonic Woodland Dweller
Boyd, Boyden Celtic Yellow-Haired
Braden Old English From the Broad Valley
Bradley Anglo Saxon from the Broad Meadow
Brandon Anglo Saxon Quick Sword
Brant Teutonic Firebrand
Brent Old English From the Steep Hill
Bret French Native of Brittany
Brian Celtic Strong
Brice Celtic Great Ambition
Brigham Old English Dweller by the Bridge
Brock Old English The Badger
Broderick Welsh Son of Roderick
Brooke Anglo Saxon A stream
Bruce French Brushwood
Bruno Teutonic Dark Complexioned
Bryant Celtic Strong
Buck Old English The Deer
Bud Anglo Saxon Messenger
Burgess Teutonic Citizen of a Town
Burke Teutonic Castle
Burton Old English Fortress
Byron Anglo Saxon Bear
Cadman Celtic Warrior
Caesar Latin Long Haired
Calder Celtic From Stony River
Caleb Hebrew Faithful Affection
Calvert Old English Shepherd
Calvin Latin Bald
Caldwell Old English Near a Cold Well
Caleb Hebrew Faithful
Calvin Latin Bald
Cameron Scottish With a Crooked Nose
Carl Teutonic Farmer
Carlin Gaelic Little Champ
Carlisle Old English From the Walled City
Carlton Old English From Carl's Farm
Carmine Latin Song
Carney Celtic Warrior
Carroll Celtic Champion
Carter Old English Cart Driver
Carver Old English Wood Carver
Cary English Fort
Casey Celtic Brave
Casper Persian Treasure
Cecil Latin Blind
Cedric Celtic Chieftain
Chad, Chadwick Celtic Warrior
Chalmers Teutonic Lord of the Household
Chandler Old French Candlemaker
Channing Old French A Canon
Chapin Old French A Clergyman
Chapman Anglo Saxon Merchant
Charles Anglo Saxon Manly
Chase French Hunter
Chatwin Old English Warlike Friend
Chauncey Latin Chancellor
Chester Old English Dweller in Fortified Town
Christian Latin A Christian
Christopher Greek Christ-Bearer
Clarence Latin Famous
Clark Latin Learned
Claude Latin Lame
Clayton, Clay Old English The Clay Farm
Clifford Anglo Saxon Near the Cliff
Clive Old English Cliff Dweller
Clyde Welsh Heard from Afar
Coleman Irish Dove
Colin Greek People's Victory
Collier Old English Miner
Colton Old English Coal Town
Con, Conan Celtic Wise
Conrad Teutonic Able in Counsel
Conroy Irish Wise Man
Conway Celtic Hound in the Plain
Corbin Latin The Raven
Corey Old Irish Residence Name
Corwin Latin The Raven
Cosmo Greek Well-Ordered
Crispin Latin Curly Haired
Crosby Teutonic Dweller by Town Cross
Culbert Teutonic Cool and Brilliant
Culver Old English Dove
Curt Latin Short or Little
Curtis French Courteous
Cuthbert Anglo Saxon Famous and Brilliant
Craig Celtic Rocky Hill
Cyril Greek Lordly
Cyrus Persian The Sun
Dale Old English Little Valley
Dallas Gaelic Wise
Dalton Anglo Saxon Valley Estate
Damen Greek Taming
Damon Anglo Saxon Day of the Week
Daniel Hebrew God Judges
Dante Italian Long Lasting
Darcy Celtic Dark
Darian Persian Wealthy
Darell French Beloved
David Hebrew Beloved One
Davin Scandinavian Bright
Dean French Great Leader
Delmar Old French Mariner
Denley Old English From the Valley Meadow
Dennis French Wild or Crazy
Derek Teutonic Great Ruler
Derwin Old English Friend of Wild Animals
Desmond Anglo Saxon Gracious Protector
Devin Gaelic/Celtic Hebrew Poet
Devon English Defender
Dexter Latin Dexterous
Diego Spanish St. James
Dillon Celtic Faithful
Dion Greek Short for Dionysus
Dirk Teutonic Ruler of People
Dixon Teutonic Powerful Ruler
Dominic Latin Belonging to the Lord
Donald Scottish Ruler of the World
Dorian Greek A Dorian
Douglas Scottish Dark
Doyle Celtic Stranger
Drake Latin Dragon
Draven English Defender of Love
Drew German Trustworthy
Driscoll Celtic Interpreter
Dudley Old English Residence Name
Duke Latin Leader
Duncan Celtic Dark Skinned Warrior
Durwin Anglo Saxon Beloved Friend
Dwayne British Field or Meadow
Dwight Teutonic White or Fair
Earl Anglo Saxon Nobleman
Eaton Old English From the Riverside
Ebenezer Hebrew Rock of Help
Edan Celtic Fiery
Edgar Anglo Saxon Fortunate Spear
Edric Anglo Saxon Prosperous Ruler
Edward, Eddie Old English Happy Protector
Edwin Anglo Saxon Valuable Friend
Egan Celtic Ardent
Egbert Teutonic Formidably Brilliant
Elbert Teutonic Nobly Brilliant
Eldon Teutonic Respected
Eldwin Anglo Saxon Sage Friend
Eli, Ely Hebrew The Highest
Elias Hebrew Jehovah is God
Elliott, Elijah Hebrew Jehovah is God
Elmer Teutonic Of Awe-Inspiring Fame
Elroy Latin Royal
Elton Old English Residence Name
Emerson Old German Industrious
Emery Teutonic Industrious
Emil Latin Charming
Emmanuel Hebrew God is With Us
Emmett Anglo Saxon Diligent
Ephraim Hebrew Doubly Fruitful
Erasmus Greek Amiable
Eric Scandinavian Powerful
Ernest Teutonic Intent in Purpose
Errol Teutonic A Nobleman
Erwin Anglo Saxon Friend of the Sea
Ethan Hebrew Firm
Eugene Welsh Well-Born
Evan Welsh Young Warrior
Everett Old Norse Wild Boar
Ezekiel Hebrew God Gives Strength
Ezra Hebrew The Helper
Fabian Greek Bean Farmer
Fabron Latin Mechanic
Fairfax Anglo Saxon Fair Haired
Falkner Old English Falcon Trainer
Farley Old English Residence Name
Farman Anglo Saxon Traveller
Farrell Celtic Man of Valor
Felix Latin Prosperous
Fenton Old English Residence Name
Ferdinand Teutonic Adventurous in Life
Ferguson Gaelic Manly
Ferris Gaelic Iron Worker
Fitzgerald Teutonic Son of Gerald
Fleming Anglo Saxon Dutchman
Fletcher French Arrow Maker
Floyd Old English The Hollow
Forrest Latin Woodsman
Foster Old English Bird Catcher
Francis Teutonic Free
Frank Old French Free
Frasier French Strawberry
Frederick German Peaceful Ruler
Freeman Anglo Saxon A Freeman
Fritz Teutonic Peaceful Ruler
Gabriel Hebrew Man of God
Gage Old French A Pledge
Gale Old English Gay or Lively
Galvin Celtic Sparrow
Gardner Anglo Saxon Gardener
Garret Anglo Saxon Spear Champion
Garrick Teutonic Spear King
Garth Anglo Saxon Heardsman
Gaston **** Native of Gascony
Gavin Scottish White Hawk
George Greek Farmer
Gerald Germanic Spear Carrier
Gerard Teutonic Brave with Spear
Gersham Hebrew Exiled
Gideon Hebrew Great Warrior
Gifford Teutonic Gift-Brave
Gilbert Germanic Pledge
Giles Greek Bearer of Shield
Gilmer Teutonic Famous Hostage
Gilroy Celtic-Latin Servant of the King
Giovanni Italian Form of John
Glenn Celtic Valley
Goddard Teutonic Divinely Firm
Godfrey Teutonic God's Peace
Godwin Teutonic Divine Friend
Graham Anglo Saxon Gray Home
Grant French Great
Grayson Old English Son of Bailiff
Gregory Greek Watchful One
Gresham Old English Residence Name
Griswold Teutonic Residence Name
Grosvenor French-Latin Mighty Huntsman
Grover Old English Dweller in the Grove
Gunther Old Norse Warrior
Gustavus Teutonic Son of Goths
Guy French Guide
Hadden Old English From the Moor
Hadley Old English Residence Name
Hadwin Teutonic Friend in War
Haines Teutonic From a Vined Cottage
Hal **** Variant of Henry
Halbert Teutonic Bright Stone
Halden Teutonic Half-Dane
Hale Teutonic Robust
Halen Swedish Hall
Hall Old English From the Hall or Manor
Halsey Old English Residence Name
Hamlin Teutonic Ruler of the Home
Hanley Old English From the High Meadow
Hans Hebrew God's Gracious Gift
Hansel **** Variant of John
Harcourt French Residence Name
Hardy Teutonic Strong
Harlan Old English From the Army Territory
Harley Old English Army Meadow
Harold, Harry, Harris Anglo Saxon Power
Harrison Old English Son of Harry
Hartley Old English Residence Name
Hauk Norwegian Wild Hawk
Hayden Teutonic Residence Name
Hayes Old English From the Hedged Hill
Heath English Wasteland
Hector Greek Steadfast
Henry Germanic Ruler of the House
Herbert Teutonic Bright Warrior
Herman Teutonic Warrior
Herwin Teutonic Friend of War
Hilliard Teutonic Guardian in War
Hilton Old English Residence Name
Hiram Hebrew Exalted
Hobart Teutonic Bright Minded
Holbrook Old English Residence Name
Holden Teutonic Kind or Gracious
Homer Greek A Pledge or Security
Horace, Horatio Latin Timekeeper
Hosea Hebrew Salvation
Howard Germanic Strong Minded
Hubert Teutonic Bright Minded
Hugh, Hugo Teutonic Intelligent
Humphrey Teutonic Supporter of Peace
Hunter Anglo Saxon Hunter
Hyman Hebrew Life
Ian Scottish Form of John
Ichabod Hebrew Glory has Departed
Ignatius, Ignace Latin Fiery
Igor Scandinavian Heroic Warrior
Ingram Old English Angel
Ira Hebrew Watcher
Irvin, Irving Scottish Handsome
Isaac Hebrew Laughter
Isaiah Hebrew God's Salvation
Israel Hebrew Soldier for the Lord
Ivan Russian Form of John
Iver, Ivar Scandinavian Archer
Ives Old English Little Archer
Jack **** Nick Name for John
Jacob Hebrew Conqueror
Jamal Arabic Camel
James, Jimmy English Form of Jacob
Jared Hebrew He Who Descends
Jarvis Teutonic Keen as the Spear
Jason, Jay Hebrew God is my Savior
Jasper Persian Bearer of Treasure
Jean French John
Jed Hebrew Beloved of the Lord
Jeffrey Teutonic Peace Bringer
Jeremiah, Jeremy Hebrew God Exalts
Jerold Teutonic Mighty with the Spear
Jerome Greek Of Sacred Name
Jesse Hebrew Gift Giver
Job Hebrew The Persecuted
Joel Hebrew God's Willingness
John Hebrew God is Gracious
Jonas Hebrew Dove
Jonathan Hebrew God's Gift
Jordan Hebrew Flow Down
Joseph, Joey, Joe Hebrew God Multiplies
Joshua Hebrew God is my Salvation
Juliun, Julius Greek Colored Hair
Justin Latin Just
Kane Gaelic Honor
Karsten Greek The Christian
Keene Old English Sharp
Keegan Celtic Fiery
Keaton Old English Where Hawks Go
Keith Welsh Forest
Kelsey Scandinavian Island of Ships
Kelvin Scottish Friend of Ships
Kendall Celtic From the Narrow River
Kendrick Anglo Saxon Ruler
Kenneth, Ken Gaelic Handsome
Kent Welsh Bright White
Kenway Anglo Saxon Courageous in Battle
Kenyon Gaelic Blonde Haired
Kerry Celtic The Dark
Kerwin Celtic Dark Skinned
Kevin Irish Handsome
Kiefer German Barrel Maker
Kilby Teutonic Residence Name
Kilian Latin Blind
Kim Welsh Chief
Kimball Anglo Saxon Royally Brave
Kingsley Old English Residence Name
Kirby Teutonic Residence Name
Kirk Scottish Church
Kit Greek The Christ-Bearer
Kody English Helpful
Konrad Teutonic Able in Counsel
Kurt **** Variant of Conrad
Kyle Gaelic Handsome
Laban Hebrew White
Lamar Old German Famous
Lambert Teutonic Land Bright
Lamont Scandinavian Lawyer
Lancelot Germanic Land
Landon Old English Residence Name
Landry Anglo Saxon Ruler of the Place
Lane English Narrow Road
Langley Old English Residence Name
Lars **** Variant of Lawrence
Latimer Anglo-French Occupation Name
Laurence Latin Bay or Laurel Tree
Lazarus Hebrew God Will Help
Leander Greek Courageous
Lee Old English Meadow
Leighton Old English Residence Name
Leith Celtic Wide
Leland Old English Residence Name
Lemuel Hebrew Dedicated to God
Leonard, Leo, Leon Germanic Bold Lion
Leopold Teutonic Patriotic
Leroy Old French Powerful King
Leslie Celtic Residence Name
Lester Latin Camp of the Legion
Levi Hebrew United
Lew Old English Refuge
Lincoln Celtic-Latin Residence Name
Lionel Latin Lion-like
Lloyd Celtic Gray
Logan Irish Gaelic Trench or Forest
Lombard Teutonic Long-Beard
Lorenzo **** Variant of Lawrence
Loring Old German Famous in War
Lot Hebrew Veiled
Louis, Lewis German Warrior
Lowell Old English Beloved
Lucius Latin Light
Lucas, Luke Latin Luminous
Luther German Warrior
Lyle French Island
Lyndon Old English Linden Tree
Lysander Greek Liberator
Macauley Scottish Righteous
Mackenzie Gaelic Son of Wise Ruler
Macnair Gaelic Son of the Heir
Maddox Celtic Beneficient
Madison Old English Son of Soldier
Magnus Latin Great
Malcolm Scottish Royal Blood
Malvin, Melvin Celtic Servant
Manfred German Man of Peace
Manuel Hebrew God with Us
Marcus Latin Warlike
Mario, Marius Italian Form of Marius
Mark, Marc **** Variant of Marcus
Marland Old English Residence Name
Marlon Old French Falcon
Marshal Old English Horse Groomer
Martin Latin Warlike
Marvin English Sea
Mason Old French Brick Builder
Matthew Hebrew Gift of the Lord
Maurice Latin Dark Skin
Max, Maxwell Latin Great
Medwin Teutonic Powerful Friend
Melville **** Form of Malvin
Mercer French-Latin Merchant
Merlin Old French-Latin Bird
Merrill Teutonic Famous
Merrick Teutonic Industrious
Michael Hebrew Like God
Milburn Old English Residence Name
Miles Latin Soldier
Miller Latin A Miller
Milton Old English From the Mill Farmstead
Mitchell **** Variant of Michael
Monroe Scottish A Wheeler
Montague Latin Residence Name
Montgomery Latin Mountain
Morgan Gaelic From the Sea's Edge
Morris Latin Moorish
Morton Old English From the Farm or Moor
Morven Celtic Mariner
Moses Greek Drawn from the Water
Murdock Celtic Prosperous Seaman
Murphy Irish Gaelic Warrior of the Sea
Murray Celtic Seaman
Myer Latin Great
Naldo Teutonic Of Mighty or Wise
Nash Old English Protruding Cliff
Nathaniel, Nathan Hebrew Gift of God
Neal Gaelic Champion
Nelson English Son of Neal
Nero Latin Powerful
Neville Old French New Town
Nevin Gaelic Worshiper of Saints
Newton Anglo Saxon Residence Name
Nicholas Greek People Triumph
Nicodemus Greek Victorious over the People
Nigel Roman Black
Noah Hebrew Peace
Noel French To be Born
Nolan Gaelic Famous
Norman Old English Norseman
Norris Old French-Latin Caretaker
Norton Anglo Saxon Residence Name
Norvin Teutonic Man from the North
Oakes Old English The Oak
Oakley Old English Grove of an Oak Tree
Obadiah Hebrew Servant of the Lord
Octavius Latin Eighth Born
Odell Norse Man of Property
Ogden Old English Residence Name
Olaf Old Norse Relic
Olin Middle English Holly
Oliver Latin Olive Tree
Omar Arabic First Born
Oren Hebrew Pine Tree
Oren Irish Pale Complexioned
Orlando, Orland Teutonic Fame of the Land
Orson Latin Like the Bear
Orton Teutonic Wealthy
Orvin Anglo Saxon Boar Friend
Osborn Old English Soldier of God
Osborn Teutonic Divine Bear
Oscar Scandinavian Spear of God
Osgood Teutonic Divine Creator
Osmond Teutonic Under Divine Protection
Oswald Teutonic Of God-Like Power
Otis Greek Hears Well
Otto Teutonic Prosperous
Owen Welsh Well-Born
Oxford English River's Pass
Page French Young Assistant
Paine Latin Man from the Country
Palmer Old English-Latin Palm-Bearer
Paris French City
Parker Middle English Park Guarder
Pascal Italian Easter or Passover
Patrick Latin Nobleman
Paul Latin Small
Paxton Teutonic Travelling Trader
Pedro Greek A Rock
Pembroke Old Welsh Residence Name
Percival, Percy Old French-Latin The Valley-Piercer
Perry Old English Pear Tree
Peter Greek Rock or Stone
Peyton Scotch Form of Patrick
Philander Greek Lover of Mankind
Philbert Teutonic Illustriously Brilliant
Philip Greek Horse Lover
Phineas Hebrew Brazen Mouth
Pierce Old Anglo French Rock or Stone
Pierre French Form of Peter
Porter Latin Gate Keeper
Prentice Latin Learner
Prescott Old English Residence Name
Preston Old English Town of the Priest
Price Middle English Valued
Prince Latin Prince
Proctor Latin Manager or Agent
Prosper Latin Fortunate
Putnam Anglo Saxon Residence Name
Qabil Arabic Able
Qadim Arabic Ancient
Qadir Arabic Powerful
Qamar Arabic Moon
Qasim Arabic Divider
Qimat Hindi Valuable
Quade Latin Foruth
Quant Greek Means how much?
Qudamah Arabic Courage
Quenby Scandinavian Form of Quimby
Quennell French Small Oak
Quigley Irish Maternal Side
Quillan Irish Cub
Quimby Scandinavian Woman's Estate
Quentin Latin Fifth Child
Quinby Scandinavian Residence Name
Quincy Old French-Latin Residence Name
Quinlan Irish Strong
Quinn Irish The Wise
Quon Chinese Bright
Radcliffe Old English Residence Name
Radford Old English Residence Name
Raleigh Old English Deer Meadow
Ralph **** Variant of Randolph
Ramon Teutonic Mighty Protector
Ramsey Scottish Island of Ravens
Randolph Anglo Saxon Strong Shield
Raphael Hebrew God Has Healed
Raymond Old English Wise Guardian
Redmond Old English Protected by Reeds
Reece Wales Ardour
Reed Old English Reed
Reese Wales Ardour
Reeves Middle English Steward
Reginald Germanic Power
Renfred Teutonic Peacemaker
Renwick Teutonic Residence Name
Reuben Hebrew Behold, A Son
Rex Latin King
Rhett Old English Stream
Rhys Wales Ardour
Richard Old German Powerful Ruler
Ridley Old English Residence Name
Riley Irish Gaelic Valiant
Robert Anglo Saxon Bright Fame
Robin **** Variant of Robert
Roderick Old German Famous Ruler
Rodney Teutonic Famous
Roger French Famous Warrior
Roland Teutonic Fame of the Land
Rolfe **** Variant of Rudolph
Romeo Italian-Latin A Pilgrim to Rome
Ronald Teutonic Of Mighty Power
Rory Celtic Red King
Roscoe Teutonic Residence Name
Ross British Wood
Roswell Teutonic Mighty Steed
Roy Old French King
Royce Old French-Latin Son of Roy, Kingly
Rudolph Teutonic Far-famed Wolf
Ruford Old English From the Red Ford
Rufus Latin Red-Haired
Rupert Teutonic Of Shining Fame
Russell French Red
Rutherford Old English Residence Name
Ryan **** Variant of Bryan
Salisbury Anglo Saxon Dry Town
Samson, Sam Hebrew Bright as the Sun
Samuel Hebrew Answer to Prayers
Samson Hebrew Like the Sun
Sanborn Old English Residence Name
Sanders Greek Helper of Mankind
Sanford Old English From the Sandy Ford
Santos Spanish Of the Saints
Sargent Old French-Latin Occupation Name
Saul Hebrew Longed For
Sawyer Middle English Wood Cutter
Schuyler Dutch A Shelter
Scott Old English From Scotland
Sean Hebrew Heavenly Generosity
Sebastian Greek Majestic
Selby Teutonic Residence Name
Serge **** Variant of Sergius
Serle Teutonic Armed
Seth Hebrew Appointed One
Seymour French-Latin Moorish Saint
Shamus Irish Supplanter
Shaw Old English Residence Name
Shawn Hebrew God's Gracious Gift
Shelby Anglo Saxon Residence Name
Sheldon Anglo Saxon Residence Name
Sherard Anglo Saxon Of Splendid Valor
Sheridan Celtic The Wild Man
Sherlock Old English Fair-Haired
Sherman Old English Occupation Name
Sherwin Anglo Saxon Eminent in Friendship
Sherwood Old English From the Bright Forest
Sidney **** City Name
Sigmund Teutonic Victorious Protection
Silas Latin Man of the Forest
Silvester Latin Forest Dweller
Simon Hebrew He who has Heard
Sinclair Latin The Illustrious
Sloane Celtic Warrior
Sol Latin The Sun
Solomon Hebrew Peaceful
Spencer English Steward
Stacy Latin Dependable
Standish Old English Residence Name
Stanford Old English Residence Name
Stanislaus Slavonic Glory of the Camp
Stanley, Stan English Stony Field
Stanway Old English Residence Name
Stedman Anglo Saxon Residence Name
Stephen, Stefan Greek Crown
Sterling English High Quality
Stewart, Stuart Anglo Saxon A Steward
Sumner Old French-Latin A Summoner
Sutton Old English Residence Name
Swain Teutonic Youthful
Tait Scandinavian Cheerful
Talbot Old German From the Valley
Tanner Old English Leather Worker
Tate Old English One Tenth
Taylor French Tailor
Teague Celtic A Poet or Bard
Terrence Latin Tender
Thaddeus Hebrew Praise be to God
Thayer Teutonic Of the Nation's Army
Theobold Teutonic Patriotic
Theodore Greek Gift of God
Theron Greek Hunter
Thomas Aramaic Twin
Thorpe Teutonic Residence Name
Thurston Scandinavian Thor's Jewel
Tilden Old English Residence Name
Timothy Greek Honor God
Titus Latin The Safe
Tobias Hebrew Goodness of the Lord
Toby Hebrew God is Good
Todd Scottish Fox
Tony Latin Beyond Praise
Torrence Irish Like a Tall Tower
Torrey Celtic Residence Name
Townsend Old English Residence Name
Travis, Travers French At the Crossing
Trent Latin Torrent
Trevor Cornish Great House
Trey Middle English Three
Tristan Latin Sorrowful
Troy Old French After the City
Truman Old English A Faithful, Loyal Man
Tyler Old English Occupation Name
Tyson Teutonic Son of the German
Ubadah Arabic Serves God
Ubaid Arabic Faithful
Uberto Italian Form of Hubert
Udo Japanese Ginseng Plant
Udolf English Prosperous Wolf
Ugo Italian Form fo Hugo, Hugh
Uilliam Irish Form of William
Uistean Irish Intelligent
Ulan African First-Born Twin
Uland Teutonic From the Noble Land
Ulbrecht German Form of Albert
Ulf German Wolf
Ulric Danish Wolf
Ultman Hindi God, Godlike
Ulysses Greek Angry or Wrathful
Umit Turkish Hope
Uner Turkish Famous
Unwin English Nonfriend
Upshaw English Upper Wooded Area
Upton English Upper Town
Uri Hebrew Form of Uriah
Uriah Hebrew God is my Light
Urian Greek From Heaven
Uriel Hebrew God is my light
Usamah Arabic Like a Lion
Ustin Russian Form of Justin
Uthman Arabic Companion of the Prophet
Uzi Hebrew My Strength
Uzoma Nigerian Born during a journey
Vachel French Small Cow
Vaclav Czech Wreath of Glory
Vadin Hindi Speaker
Vail Latin Valley
Valborg Swedish Mighty Mountain
Valdemar Swedish Famous Ruler
Valentine, Val Latin Strong
Valdis Teutonic Spirited in Battle
Valerian Latin Strong
Valfrid Swedish Strong Peace
Valin Hindi Form of Balin
Vallis French From Wales
Valter Swedish Form of Walter
Van Dutch Noble Descent
Vance English Thresher
Vandyke Dutch Residence Name
Vardon French Green Knoll
Varian Latin Fickle
Varick German Protecting Ruler
Varney Celtic Residence Name
Vartan Armenian Rose Giver
Varun Hindi Rain God
Vasilis Greek Form of Basil
Vasin Hindi Ruler, Lord
Vaughan Welsh Small
Veasna Cambodian Lucky
Vedie Latin Sight
Vegard Norwegian Protection
Vere French True
Vered Hebrew Rose
Vern Latin Form of Vernon
Verner German Defending Army
Verney French Alder Grove
Vernon Latin Flourishing
Vian English Full of Life
Victor Latin Conqueror
Vidal Spanish Form of Vitas
Vidar Norwegian Tree Warrior
Vidor Hungarian Cheerful
Vidur Hindi Wise
Viho Cheyenne Chief
Vijay Hindi Victorious
Vikas Hindi Growing
Vikram Hindi Valorous
Vilhelm German Form of William
Viljo Finnish Form of William
Ville Swedish Form of William
Vimal Hindi Pure
Vincent Latin Victorious
Virgil Latin Flourishing
Vitas Latin Alive, Vital
Vito Latin Vibrant
Vladimir Slavonic World Ruler
Wade Old English River Crossing
Waggoner German Wagon Maker
Walden Teutonic Mighty and Famous
Waldo Teutonic Powerful or Mighty
Walker Old English Occupation Name
Wallace Anglo Saxon Stranger
Walter Old German Powerful Ruler
Walton Old English Residence Name
Ward Teutonic Guardian
Ware Anglo Saxon Wary
Warner Teutonic Guarding Warrior
Warren Germanic Protective Friend
Washington Old English Residence Name
Waylen, Wayland Old English Land Near the Highway
Wayne Teutonic Wagon Maker
Webster Old English Weaver
Wendel Teutonic Wanderer
Wesley Anglo Saxon Man from the West
Weston Old English Residence Name
Whitlaw Old English From the White Hill
Wilbur Anglo Saxon Beloved Stronghold
Willard Anglo Saxon Great Bravery
William, Will Teutonic Determined Guardian
Willis **** Variant of Will
Wilmer Teutonic Beloved and Famous
Wilson **** Son of Will
Winslow Old English Hill of Victory
Winston Anglo Saxon Town of Victory
Winthrop Teutonic Residence Name
Wirt Anglo Saxon Worthy
Wolfe Teutonic A Wolf
Wolfram Teutonic Wolf-Raven
Woodley Old English Residence Name
Woodrow Old English Residence Name
Woodward Old English Forester
Worthington Anglo Saxon Residence Name
Wright Anglo Saxon Workman
Wyatt Old French Guide
Wylie Anglo Saxon Beguiling
Wyman Anglo Saxon Warrior
Wyndham Old English Residence Name
Xanthus Latin Golden haired
Xavier Arabic Spendid
Xenophon Greek Strange Voice
Xenos Greek Favored Guest
Xerxes Greek-Persian King
Xylon Greek Forest
Yadid Hebrew Friend, Beloved
Yadon Hebrew He will judge
Yakov Russian Form of Jacob
Yale Old English Vigorous
Yana Native American Bear
Yancy American Name for Englishman
Yanni Greek Form of John
Yardan Arabic King
Yardley Old English Enclosed Meadow
Yaron Hebrew He will Sing
Yasashiku Japanese Gentle, Polite
Yash Hindi Victorious, Glory
Yashwant Hindi Glorious
Yasin Arabic Prophet
Yasir Afghani Humble
Yates Old English Gates
Yeoman English Attendent
Yervant Armenian King
Yeshaya Hebrew Gift
Yestin Welsh Just
Yo Cambodian Honest
Yohann German Form of Johan
Yong Chinese Courageous
York English Boar Estate
Yoshi Japanese Adopted Son
Yu Chinese Universe
Yule English Born at Christmas
Yuma Native American Son of a Chief
Yuri Russian Form of George
Yves Scandinavian Archer
Zachariah Hebrew Remembered by the Lord
Zachary Hebrew Remember the Lord
Zebadiah Hebrew Gift of the Lord
Zafir Arabic Victorious
Zahid Arabic Self-denying
Zahir Arabic Shining, Bright
Zaid Arabic Increase, Growth
Zaide Hebrew Older
Zaim Arabic Brigadier General
Zakariyya Arabic Prophet
Zaki Arabic Bright, Pure
Zakia Swahili Intelligent
Zale Greek Sea-Strength
Zalmai Afghani Young
Zalman Yiddish Form of Solomon
Zamir Hebrew Song, Bird
Zan Itailian Clown
Zander Greek Form of Alexander
Zane English Form of John
Zareb African Protector
Zared Hebrew Ambush
Zebediah Hebrew God's Gift
Zeeman Dutch Seaman
Zeke Aramaic Shooting Star
Zeki Turkish Clever
Zelgai Afghani Heart
Zelimir Slavic Wishes for Peace
Zemar Afghani Lion
Zen Japanese Religious
Zeno Greek Cart, Harness
Zero Arabic Empty, Void
Zeroun Armenian Wise, Respected
Zeshawn American Form of Shawn
Zimraan Arabic Praise
Zinan Japanese Second Son
Zion Hebrew Sign
Ziv Hebrew Shining Brightly
Ziven Slavic Vigorous
Zorba Greek Live each day
Zuriel Hebrew God is my r
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